Saturday, March 17, 2012

رسالة من الدكتور محمد عيسى للطلبة الخمسة المحكومين

الدكتور محمد عيسى الخاقاني - أستاذ التاريخ (سابقاً) جامعة البحرين

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الى الطلبة الأعزاء وهم في السجن
جميعكم السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
يسعدني ان اكتب اليكم من غربتي الى سجنكم ،  لاحييكم وانتم تدخلون عامكم الاول خلف القضبان
الأعزاء ،  ان الله اذا احب عبدا امتحنه بمثل ما امتحن الانبياء والرسل
لقد دخلتم السجن مظلومين كما دخل نبي الله يوسف عليهم السلام
وسوف تخرجون مرفوعي الرأس مثله وتتمون دراستكم ان شاءالله وتتخرجون بتفوق وتخدمون وطنكم كما فعل يوسف عليه السلام
اعلموا ان الله سبحانه وتعالى قد ابتلاكم بالسجن ليمحصكم ويصقلكم رجالا بالقول والفعل وذهبا والماسا في الثمن
أدعوكم ان تستفيدوا من سجنكم هذا وتخرجوا وقد وضعتم منهجا جديدا لحياتكم لان الجميع ينظرون الى افعالكم وليس اعماركم
لقد انجزتم بحمد الله خطوة مهمة في حياتكم وتخطيتم اصعب المراحل ولم يبق الا النزر اليسير من طريقكم
جميعنا أساتذة وطلبة نفخر بكم ونتذكركم ونترسم بيننا خطاكم وجميع جامعات العالم تفخر بامثالكم
ارجو منكم ان لا تيأسوا او تقنطوا فرحمة الله واسعة وانتم مظلومون ولن تبقوا طويلا في السجن
تعلمون ان السجن الواقعي هو في نفس البشر ، فكم بيننا يعيش اناس مسجونون وهم طلقاء ، سجنتهم عبوديتهم للسلطة والمال ، وكم من المساجين لا تسعهم الدنيا أحرارا بأفكارهم وطموحاتهم وهم وراء القضبان وانتم منهم
ادعو الله عز وجل المنان الرحمن الرحيم وارجوه واتوسل اليه ان يفك سجنكم بحق محمد وآل محمد ، انه سميع مجيب
واستودعكم الله على امل ان تكون رسالتي القادمة اليكم هي التهنئة في خروجكم من السجن ان شاءالله
والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

13 March 2011 from people who were there, via Twitter...

It is 13 March 2011. One year after the events in University of Bahrain (UOB). It's been Once Year since the brutal attacks on students took place on campus, under the supervision of the UOB adminstration and the protection of the security forces. No matter how much the Government of Bahrain tries to twist the facts, the truth will always surface.
Today, by looking at Twitter alone (#13March, #UOB, #FreeUOBstudents) many have shared their memories of this day, whether students, family members, university staff, medical staff or simply citizens. Today, I share some of these stories with you...
These tweets are from a Student (girl) who was there on the day..

Saturday, March 3, 2012

What really happened on 13th March 2011?

Sunday, 13th March 2011, is a date no University of Bahrain student will ever forget...
It is a day we, the students, in the midst of our revolution, took the decision to go to campus and persue our education...believing that there is no weapon stronger than a degree...
We were at our early classes, when news came about the early morning attacks on the Lulu Roundabout and the surrounding square. Devistated, we felt. All the promises about the right to protest and government compromises seemed to be a lie. Some of us had family members there, we lost contact with protesters in the area, news of injuries were circulating, by 9 a.m. a gathering for a march within university campus started.
University adminstration usually supports peaceful marches and protests on campus grounds. Campus security would normally escort and admin staff would make sure classes are not disturbed.
On 13th March 2011, matters were different...
Students marched between buildings in protest of the Government's attacks on peaceful protesters in the Lulu Roundabout. The march ended in the main Square of the University, where the students had a sit-in.
Meanwhile, Government loyalists' students (who are mostly recently naturalised) began threatening to attack the protesters, saying "let's go hit the girls calling for the downfall of the King". Breaking tables and using its legs as weapons, they went to look for the girls....some went to get "other things" from their cars...
University of Bahrain president, Mr. Ebrahim Janahi, and his two deputies, Mr. Yousif AlBastaki and Mr. Osama AlJowdar now seen leaving the Admin building, heading towards the main gate. News of Main gate being locked...
In the campus's main square, the students (in an attempt to protect the girls) formed a circle to prevent the government loyalists from attacking the girls.
The number of guys was significantly less than the girls, many have left the university to go and check on their friends/relatives who were at the Lulu Roundabout.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Tomorrow...19 February 2011

Tomorrow is the first day of the second semseter of the acadamic year 2011/2012 in the University of Bahrain (UOB)...

Tomorrow, many students resume their studies at UOB. Students who were detained, tortured, expelled and currently undergoing trials all come back with their heads held high...

Tomorrow, we choose to go to UOB not only to attend but to show our true potential, not to just study but to excel...

Tomorrow, we welcome back and greet (with a big smile and bigger heart) those who paid the price, those who spent time in detention so that the UOB adminstration feels good about itself and those who were expelled so that the loyalists of students feel happy...

Tomorrow, we prove that UOB detained and expelled many good students, we prove that they deserve to be here, we prove that the 5 still imprisoned also deserve to here...

Tomorrow, we smile at those who wanted us excelled, imprisoned and sentenced...We smile knowing they are burning inside, we smile proving we are stronger, we smile because we are right....

Tomorrow, for the detained and laid off acadamics and employees of UOB, we go back to study and make them proud...

Tomorrow, for the 5 of us who are still in prison wishing they could come back to study, we go back and do our best and make them proud...

Tomorrow, we re-own what is rightfully ours: Education, no regime conspiracies can take that away from us...

Tomorrow, we go to prove that this is only the begining...